First Objective Completed on New Service for Cyprus Government

Last month, WavEC kicked-off a new service for the Cyprus Government, sponsored by GIZ and the European Commission. This service aims to promote the development of floating photovoltaics (FPV), pumped-hydro energy storage, and offshore wind projects across Cyprus.


The consortium developing the project also includes EDP NEW, which is leading the project, and MHYD Group. Within this consortium, WavEC is responsible for the development of the FPV and socio-environmental associated tasks.


Our engagement encompasses several key activities:

  • T1.1 Capacity Building: provide training on FPV technologies to Cyprus partners, including the Ministry of Energy, Commerce, and Industry (MECI), the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment (MOA), and the Water Development Department (WDD).
  • T1.2 Feasibility Studies: analysing the potential for FPV in Cyprus and conducting feasibility assessments at three designated locations.
  • T1.3 Technical Specifications: developing the technical specifications that will guide future FPV project procurements in Cyprus.


Last week, WavEC completed the first of its three main objectives by conducting a four-hour training session on FPV in Cyprus. The session covered technical aspects, discussed potential environmental impacts, and offered a market outlook to an audience of approximately 25 participants from the WDD, MECI, and MOA.

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